Poetry through the mail!

This post is thanks to my awesome housemates.
Since May, I’ve been living in a house that is 4 blocks, yes
from the beach.

It’s a beautiful spot, on a small road that rarely anyone drives down.
Somedays we just sit in the road (don’t try that at home kids) and rarely have to move.
Other days we walk down to the beach in the street, passing a soccer ball back and forth.
And our beach? One of the best surfing spots in Santa Cruz.

Our house? Spacious living room,
large, well stocked kitchen,
Awesome back yard,
and a roof we can climb on to stargaze.

My room is the largest in the house, with its own bathroom, and is the entire upstairs.

But currently it’s not my room.
For the summer I had to sublet it, because I was gone for four weeks of school.
But every week that I was gone, I came home to sleep on the couch on the weekend and have extraordinarily awesome times.

Oh, and we call ourselves the B team, since our apartment is a part B, and it just stuck. We’ve added variations, the best one so far is the BLTeam, after a serious discussion about opening up a restaurant that only serves BLTs and various variations.
ok, back to the poems though….

Each week I wrote a letter that I hand-delivered when I got back.
I sent my housemates a text in the week asking for input….a word that rhymes with something, etc….so the poems were pretty interactive.

I finally got around to scanning them, so here we go:

FIrst poem: I asked for their favorite word that rhymed with whale.
This one? I asked for a word that rhymed with wave, inspired by my first surfing experience the weekend before.
This one was inspired by July 4th and the friend who is subletting my room; he’s the reason for the twist at the end 🙂 I asked each housemate to give me an adjective describing the colors red, white, and blue.
This one I asked what they wished someone had told them. It was my last week of school and I was feeling a bit nostalgic. Only two got back to me, so I wrote them each a poem.

I’ve been camping out on the couch for the past two-ish weeks, so the poetry has stopped, but they will resume when I continue my summer adventures visiting my family and friends in my hometown of Plattsburgh, New York.

“We’ll get letters while you’re in New York, right?” one of my housemates asked, eagerly.

Of course.
How fun is it to mail things to people?
Really fun.

So, maybe try a collaborative poem.
Don’t know what to ask for?
What about
– a favorite word that starts with a certain letter
– a favorite color
– one word to describe their day
– an adjective that starts with the same letter as their name (good for superhero names!)
– favorite food
– favorite thing to do outside
– one thing off of their shopping list
– an article of clothing they are wearing that day
– something they loved to do as a child

You can make that list all day.
As for me, I’ve got to mail out a sock monkey, get a few artist pencils, and make some materials for the conference.

until next time, get together with your friends and write some poetry!

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