Re: PidiBoIdMo: Don’t make me yell at you!


Hey there.

Do me a favor.
Ask me how passionate I am about PiBoIdMo.
Go ahead!

You: “How passionate are you about PiBoIdMo?”

It’s funny that you asked that actually!
I’m so passionate about it that I yelled at someone over it.

I know what you’re thinking.

you are so not impressed.
But here’s the thing.


True story.
One of my friends asked me the other day,
“When’s the last time you got really angry?”

my answer: 5 years ago,
when some AmeriCorps team members made fun of my flattened penny collection.

They thought it was a waste of 51 cents.
I thought (And still do) that they are the best souvenirs because

  • you get to turn the wheel
  • it’s inexpensive
  • and you have to actually go to the place to get make it.

Ok, but let’s get back to PiBoIdMo.
I just had to lay the backstory on pretty thick.

last year I was pretty excited about PiBoIdMo.
I made my own journal,

Handmade journal for PiBoIdMo

I came up with lots of ideas:

Scanner not the best, but here it is!

every week I did illustrated posts of the notes.

And yes, I’m sure I posted a lot on facebook about it.
This was brought to my attention at a capoeira (brazilian form of martial arts) class.

I’d been doing capoeira for about 1.85 years at that point,
and found out that some people are REALLY into it.
Like go-all-the-time into it.
Like give-you-crap-if-you-don’t-go-all-the-time into it.

So I get to class this day.
And here’s the report of what actually happened, from this blog post last year:

Speaking of capoeira, funny story!
It’s a brazilian form of martial arts with some dance mixed in, by the way.
This is my second year, and I’m learning to play the instruments and lead the songs in Portuguese for the roda, the part at the end of class where everyone plays  and sings and claps together.

One day in class, we’re doing something and a classmate who is a higher rank than I am asks me if I know what a certain word is in Portuguese.

Now, let me paint the picture of my mental state at capoeira.
I’ve been up since 6 in the morning.
I’ve taught 70 kids in a high energy, educational environment.
And I have driven 25 minutes to get to class.
Needless to say, I’m not always on the top of of my game.

I mention this, and my classmate says,
“Well, maybe you should study Portuguese instead of doing PiBoIdMo!”

I seriously laughed out loud then put on my serious face and said, “PiBoIdMo is for my career.”
I am both flattered that he knew about it (clearly from facebook!) and shocked that he thought it was this casual thing.

But that conversation took care of it.

Ok, now I remember.
I was being nice, in the off chance that he would check my blog.
(the funny thing is, I really thought he would!)
But seriously, I yelled at him.

He was so shocked too, because I NEVER DO THAT (see long backstory above)

Since then, people at capoeira know all about my picture book writing.
They know when I go to conferences.
And they’re even encouraging.

In fact, the mestre/head teacher had a serious talk with me one day.

“Kathy Ellen, you’ve been talking about this writing thing for a while now.
You’re really talented and I want you to be serious and just do it, ok?”

I nodded my head and went to walk away.

“No, I’m serious,” he said. “Don’t give up. Don’t be afraid. Just do it.”

It was very sweet.
I assured him I was doing it.
Writing and publishing takes a long time.

So, all this is to show, NOT TELL, that I’m pretty passionate about PiBoIdMo.

How am I gearing up this year?
Well, by reading 31 picture books in 31 days.

Last year I challenged myself to read 50 books a month,
and I about did it, even with school and work.
I really enjoyed recording what I liked about each book
and having that ready to go when I needed it.

Hence, 31 in 31 was born.
It is just the first year, but I’m really happy that people are getting into it!
Also, when they post the books they read, I have a longer list to head to the library with.
And last, but not least, I get to connect with some great authors, illustrators, and readers.

I think that’s the best part about PiBoIdMo.
The ideas may not always be the best.
Here’s a list of five of mine that are sorta lame a little bit (though, I love all my ideas…)!

  • Two-can, Toucan: Two toucan friends. One very colorful, one not so much.
  • The little circle grows bigger? yes, that’s all I wrote
  • You are invited to an adventure….and that’s where it stops.
  • A knitting pirate…he sounds really cute:)
  • Dial-log. I have no idea what that is about.

But maybe some will turn into stories:
I wrote down “never-ending noodle” one on page and now have a 500 word manuscript
A few ideas are actually in their first draft form in my notebook, too!

Either way, you have the support of all the other people that are doing it,
and wonderful blog posts with great advice!

Want to see some nice notes from the posts last year?
Check out these blog posts from last year:

First click this one
Then click this one

Then click this one

Click this one last

Apparently I stopped at day 27!
Well, gives me something to shoot for this year, to do notes for all the days!

I believe if you click these guys it will take you to those posts.
Here’s my post at the end of the last PiBoIdMo!

Well, that’s all folks,
and here’s to a great PiBoIdMo 2012!
May the ideas be with you!

Enthusiastically yours,
KE and Singe Singe

11 thoughts on “Re: PidiBoIdMo: Don’t make me yell at you!

    1. You should sign up anyway, Beth!
      Knowing you, you’ll pull through with some ideas!
      What are you busy with in November?

  1. Part of me is saying, ‘On no, not one more thing!’ The other part of me is saying, “Yay…one more creative writing/picture book encouraging activity!”
    So which part of me will I listen to? I guess I could sign up and see how it goes. 🙂 When and where…I assume it is November…and perhaps you have the info in this post. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much, Kathy! Because of this post I hurried over to Tara’s blog and read all about it…I’ll definitely take part…even if I don’t do an idea every day, I’ll still have more than I would have had if I didn’t. You rock!!!

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