Intro in case you don’t know about the Sunday donut:
(it’s sort of like that chapter at the start of every Babysitter’s Club book that you can skip if you know the world already! If you know, just scroll down to the donut pic. That’s where it gets started!)
Ok, I just had a blast reading my friend Jackie’s blog.
She borrowed something she loved from another blog:
A heart to heart sort of post about life,
as if we were sitting down to have coffee together and just chatting.
Except I can’t drink coffee.
I mean, I CAN,
but the world is not ready for that.
It would be like this:
So instead I’m going with donut.
I used to be a paper carrier, and we would get donuts EVERY Sunday!
So I’ve sort of been conditioned.
I’ve even got a nice little donut shop within walking distance!
So, imagine that we meet at my house, walk down to get donuts, walk back (chatting the whole while!) and then sit in my kitchen, chatting some more and snacking.
I got a new donut this time: cake with vanilla.
It was awesome.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that this week was all about surviving. Sure I had a lot of fun (more on that later) but I felt like I didn’t really get a weekend because of the CA wedding, and the week was that much harder for it.
Monday had a traffic jam so my 1.5 hour commute turned into 3 hours. Then my microphone at work didn’t work. That’s not such a bad thing, but I basically do a 2.5 hour monologue two times a day in front of 30 something kids and their parents, so actually, it IS sort of a bad thing.
I feel really lucky that I had great classes and and an awesome husband to help me make it through the week.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I went to
The Fillmore to see Frank Turner
with my good friend Kim and Danny!
Kim and I have seen Frank two times already, but Danny was new to his music and ended up loving it! All three acts that night were from England, and were great.
We did get to the Fillmore just in time for the first act to go on, but we manuevered our way up to the front and ended up being only one row back from the stage. It was a really fun night of dancing and singing, and so worth it when we got home at 2 a.m. and I had to get up FOUR HOURS LATER and teach 70 kids.
Blurry but there he is!
Dark but there’s Kim and me!
Me and Kim and the poster (they give one to everyone after the show!) in front of this crazy car that we’re pretty sure was there the last time that we went to see him at The Fillmore 2 years ago…
Me and Danny and the car, because, you can’t pass up this photo opportunity, am I right?
If we were having donuts I’d tell you that I’m falling a bit off of the “post every weekday for this NaNoWriMo fundraiser” bandwagon but I’m hopping back on! I’m hopping back on! If you’ve been around here long enough, you know I fall off sometimes, but I get back. Or if I don’t get back, I realize I didn’t like doing that thing all that much to begin with.
In this case, I’ll be hopping back on.
In the case of the Nivdertag wedding files,
I’m taking a bit of a break.
NaNoWriMo is coming up
and I want to make sure I have enough time to write,
AND I need to kind of lay out
all the rest of the posts I want to do.
Those posts will be coming back,
probably in late November or early December,
but for now they are on hold.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I went to the Hicklebee’s preview night on Thursday and LOVED it.
Valerie, the co-owner, showcases books
that are coming out that she can’t get enough of.
Most of the audience are teachers and librarians,
but I just love hearing about new books
so I’m almost always there too.
She does one in the fall and one in the spring; and I took notes this time! I’ll be sharing them soon.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that we had a game night Friday night with some new friends Danny made.
I shouldn’t say new;
he’s been at school with them since August
but this is the first time we’ve hung out.
They are younger than us, maybe 5 or 6 years younger,
but so nice.
They were in the military too
(Danny was in the Air Force)
and they have a five year old son.
They came over along with our neighbor and we had a nice little game and pizza night! We played this game (which you need a bunch of players to play!) and I showed how ruthless I was, killing Danny only a few minutes in 🙂 I ended up winning, since I was the deputy, and it was my job to protect the sheriff. Since the sheriff and I were the last ones standing, we actually both won.
Then we played this game that Danny’s family in NY LOVES. Both of his friends caught on pretty quickly and were great at the games. They live in Monterey (about 50 minutes away) and we may go down there and hang out with them sometime soon.
Their son was so excited to watch this movie in 3D, and then to just watch us play. I did read this book to him right before he left; he really liked that the monkeys finally showed up right at the end. A look at Bang!
Two of our friends playing and keeping their cards hidden!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I’m loving writing my newsletters. I never knew I would love writing them so much! I just love the idea that I can write something and it can show up in someone’s inbox.
I guess the same thing can happen with a blogpost, but I don’t know, it feels so much more personal with the newsletter. I got a new idea this week for my Great Mail Day weekly one, so that will be exciting.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you I got to hear Sarah Vowell speak yesterday! She’s really great and I loved her book about the Revolutionary War and the contributions of Marquis de Lafayette. More on that in my Friday Book Report.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you we kept up our tradition and went to the Chili Cookoff again this year! Here’s what we did last year, and here’s the story on Instagram about the breakdown of our status each year. Cheers with chili cups 🙂
Getting our tasting kits!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I just went onesie shopping! So happy for my sister ( having a baby in January) and my sister in law (having a baby in February). We looked all over for relatively tame onesies from Santa Cruz and came across these cute ones. Now to make cards and send them off so they arrive in time for the showers! For my sister
For my Sister in Law
They are shorties so I got them for 6-12 months, since the boys will be born in winter. Hopefully they will get lots of wear out of these!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I wish I had more time to clean my room. I have so much stuff that I’m not even using, and I know it could go to someone who could use it. And I know I would like my life a lot better if my stuff wasn’t a mess all the time. I have this Friday off (yeah, random!) so maybe I’ll work on it a little bit. There’s just so much to make and so little time. We’ll see.
Finally, if we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I’m excited for November. It will be NaNoWriMo time, PiBoIdMo time, a little easier of a month workwise, and one step closer to meeting my new little nephews “on the outside.”
I’m looking forward to Veteran’s Day, since Danny and I both have it off and we go for a hike and have a little picnic to celebrate him being a Veteran.
I feel like we’ve finally settled into our day to day routine here and things are looking up. We are away from home a lot and you KNOW I have tons of things that I’m working on, but we find a little time together each day to do something fun or sometimes just to talk. This guy is making it really easy for me to be married to him 🙂
That’s all for this week.
How about you, friends?
Thanks for having a donut with me.
Now let me know what’s going on with you!
What are you up to? What’s making your heart sing?
and most importantly, what kind of donut are you eating?
Until next time, bye for now,
If we were having donuts they would be from Bottega Louie as we popped in as the end to our whirlwind blast from the past LA adventure this weekend. I’m really not sure even where to begin.
Perhaps an overview of the freeways we traveled: 57, 210, 118, 27, 101, 405, 101, 110, 10, 60. It was over two days but still. I should note that on Thursday as I was looking for parking in the lot for jurors, I rolled up my window only to have it break into a million pieces. Yay for safety glass! I made it on time. B came and found someone to fix it before lunch. Then on Friday when he tried to open the door, it was stuck. A piece of glass must have gotten stuck. It dislodged while he drove it to the shop. Still all weekend, I was anxious. But we also made jokes about leaving it at the valet, and when they came to tell us they could not open the door, we would say, “you were thinking badly of the car — it knows.” We laughed very hard at this and I clapped to whomever was watching over us as I realized that the ticket booth at Universal Studios was such that the passenger had to deal with it. Small miracles.
We went to an arcade where all the games are free and old school. It was fun! I suck at video games.
Then we went and had ice cream at this shop about 2 miles from where I lived 30 years ago. I Almost took B to see it, but it was dark already.
Today was time travel in the extreme. Met up with a family friend I had not seen in about 25 years. It was his daughter’s birthday, and she wanted to fly. They have a sky diving simulator at City Walk. We watched.
I think I realized today just how bizarre my life was. I had a secret secret that even now is hard to share. I Like to know how stories end. A Google search led me to more answers but also more questions.