Intro in case you don’t know about the Sunday donut:
(it’s sort of like that chapter at the start of every Babysitter’s Club book that you can skip if you know the world already! If you know, just scroll down to the donut pic. That’s where it gets started!)
Ok, I just had a blast reading my friend Jackie’s blog.
She borrowed something she loved from another blog:
A heart to heart sort of post about life,
as if we were sitting down to have coffee together and just chatting.
Except I can’t drink coffee.
I mean, I CAN,
but the world is not ready for that.
It would be like this:
So instead I’m going with donut.
I used to be a paper carrier, and we would get donuts EVERY Sunday!
So I’ve sort of been conditioned.
I’ve even got a nice little donut shop within walking distance!
So, imagine that we meet at my house, walk down to get donuts, walk back (chatting the whole while!) and then sit in my kitchen, chatting some more and snacking.
I had some company for my donut today, but you’ll read more about that later 🙂
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I had an AMAZING night of Writing Dangerously! I hit over 50K, won a wordspint, and handed out lots of #notesofcheer. It was SUCH A FUN TIME! Getting my crown after reaching 50K!
With the bell!
Winning the first wordsprint!
Candy bar!
I will do a post on that (and yes, I know I say that with a lot of things, but I’m seriously going back over to see what I said that about-I have my ideas-and I’m going to get going on those posts!)
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I took a break from NaNoWriMo after all that writing. I NEEDED a break. It felt so good to make some art and things like that INSTEAD of writing 3K a day!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that this was the week of book clubs. I had one at Bookshop SC where we talked about this book, and another at Hicklebee’s, where we talked about this book. I know I say it a lot, but I do LOVE the people in my book clubs. Getting together to talk about books is pretty much THE BEST thing ever.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I’m proud of the way I handled being sort of sleep deprived. See, I got home on Monday morning around 1 a.m. and had to get up for work at 5:30. I am NOT one of those people that can just “get by” on a few hours of sleep. Um, never.
So I got home all tired then got a text about helping out at capoeira. I REALLY wanted to take a nap, but decided I should help, and I could get more sleep when I got home. I went to bed early Monday night, slightly early Tuesday night, and was back to normal wake up time Wednesday.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I had Wednesday off. Seriously, this never happens with my job, so when it does, I feel like I hit the lottery. I did A LOT of writing, and by that I mean letters and mail related stuff. ONe of the One of the letters I wrote for Snail Mail My Email as a puzzle! (some song lyrics!)
Someone else requested giraffes in suits.
Part of a group called Card Bombers Anonymous and we send happy mail to one person a month. This is this month’s, heading to Australia!
t felt awesome to get back to doing that because I really enjoy sending things through the mail! It was such a productive and relaxing day!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that we had an epic Thursday! I had book club, like I said earlier, at Hicklebee’s in San Jose, and Danny came with me. We stopped at a book fair for one of my favorite schools and bought some stuff, including a series I FLEW THROUGH in 1.5 days (you’ll see on Friday!) and even a book for my favorite teacher! Have you read PAPERBOY? It’s really awesome!
Then we headed to my friend Jessie’s house to play Settlers of Catan, Cities and Knights. They had never played that version before, but they were troopers and figured it out. I did not go easy on them, and ended up winning. It was another late night but it was TOTALLY worth it.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that we had some EPIC shopping to do on Saturday. Shopping for food for the week, but also shopping to stock up our pantry. Last week we tried to make three different things and found ourselves missing a key ingredient each time. Danny thought it would be good for us to have a designated shelf of backups for the basics, like flour, sugar, salt, etc, and when we bust into the backup, we just buy another one.
We did A TON of shopping in only one hour. I am ridiculously proud of us.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I bought this game after seeing a video about it, and we played it with our friends and their kids and it did not disappoint. Whipped cream not included. So fun you guys. Way more fun than Elmo, for sure!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that we hosted some kids for a sleepover! We had dinner for them, then played some games and made some stuff. They stayed up pretty late, but that’s what sleepovers are for, right? In the morning we watched a movie, cooked breakfast, made some notes of cheer, and headed out on an epic walk to get a donut and put out the notes. Playing the Game of Life: Electronic Edition
Some school project painting going on
Selfie on the walk
Deciding which card to put where
I’ll do a post about that on my other blog, but all I’m going to say now is that it was really fun to see how much the kids got into leaving the notes around. They loved being sneaky about where they hid them and thinking about the people who would find them.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I have ANOTHER job: I’m going to be wrapping presents at HICKLEBEE’S! I love that store and I’m so psyched to join the ranks of workers! I’ll be curling ribbon, using a lot of tape, and wrapping my little heart out. I went up for a training today and met the other two people who were hired, who are literally half my age. I’m so excited to be the best wrapper ever, and I start on FRIDAY!
I am already planning on writing down the things that happen that are funny or out of the ordinary.
Confessions of A Wrapper may be coming to you soon!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I am trying to get ahead on things. I think I said that last week too, but I’m really making progress on my goal of getting at least two weeks ahead on things. This is really helpful because I’m less stressed, and I get more time with Danny.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I had an amazing day on Friday. I was at a school that truly loves me, and ended up doing the program for the 5th grade teacher’s son (I only do the 5th grade programs at that school). I remember his son when he was in kindergarten coming to help me set up my things, and it was so cool to do his program.
The teacher said, “I never know each year if it will be you.” (Schools contract through my company and we are sent out, sort of like independent contractors, to do the programs.) “I hope it is. I pray it is. But I never know. And then I see you and I’m so happy.”
We talked about all these awesome things going on in our lives, and they (his wife comes to be the scorekeeper and watch his class do the program each year) worried they wouldn’t see me next year. I told them if I decide to not work this job again, that I will send them a card with all the things they will need to know to stay in touch with me. They were happy about that and hugged me goodbye.
That made me feel SO AWESOME.
Man, it’s great to be appreciated for doing my job.
Finally, if we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I’m half famous! I’m mentioned on this episode of the podcast Lambo Goal. I may have mentioned that on Halloween I was going to a meetup? It was with Sean and Matt, the hosts of the podcast, and listeners. I brought notes of cheer and handed them out, and they talk about them a lot in this gratitude episode. I’m so glad they liked the notes! That’s the whole point of them.
I say half famous because they called me Kathy, but I’ll cut them a little bit of slack and send them a thank you email and perhaps a little note about how my entire first name is Kathy Ellen 🙂
What a week!
How about you, friends?
Thanks for having a donut with me.
Now let me know what’s going on with you!
What are you up to? What’s making your heart sing?
and most importantly, what kind of donut are you eating?
Until next time,
bye for now,