The first book is one I found at the library, and instantly loved. I’ve always been a fan of fortune cookies, and I usually take more than one, keeping my options open. (The last time I had fortune cookies, I took three!) I recently bought a coat that still had a fortune in it too! So this book was really fun to read. The second book is a set of friends you are going to recognize. Is it sad that I can see one of these books and now that I haven’t read it? I don’t like to think of it as sad; I like to think of it as me being awesome.
We’ll see.
Ok, reading journal’s books 40 and 41 are:
Fortune Cookie Fortunes by Grace Lin
Elephants cannot dance by Mo Willems

Fortune cookie fun:
- Go get some fortune cookies and see if you can see the actions in the world around you!
- Make fortune cookies: real ones that you can eat or ones out of felt.
- Write your own fortunes!
- Talk about other ways you could see the fortunes in the book in the real world.
Elephants cannot dance
- Do the Piggie dance.
- Do the Gerald dance.
- Have one person play Piggie and one play Gerald, and have Piggie do something, while Gerald does the opposite.
- What is something you do differently than other people?
ok, have to run so I can read and write some more.
Tomorrow is a book that is, in one word, EPIC. A battle for the ages. Find out what it is tomorrow!
But until then,
read and write on!
Kathy Ellen