Writing Check in #6: This week in writing

The backstory (feel free to skip if you’ve read before!)

I’m playing along with other picture book writers
on this blog,
setting some goals for the week
and reflecting on how I did.

I really wanted to do this because I’ve sort of been in a writing slump.

I AM writing, but not as consistently as I want to be.
I’m taking a step back
from doing writing prompts
and trying to grow my social media following
and instead
investing that time
in my manuscripts
and posts that will further my writing goals.

Don’t worry, I’ll still be doing prompts,
but for now,
I’m changing it up a bit.

Session goals (over the course of 8 weeks)
I mainly want to set a goal each week for my writing!
Right now it’s sort of hit or miss whether I work on it.
I’d like to revise a manuscript each week,
and maybe draft some new ones up.
My agent wants to see some new stuff, and I’d
REALLY like to knock her socks off.

I’d also like to work on building content for my blog/podcast
that I’m going to be relaunching this June,
featuring thoughts on books and actionable tips
for writers to improve their writing and presentations.

BACKSTORY OVER!      All I want to do is
finish the outline of the presentation tips for the podcast
and do a rough draft for Indie Bookstore Day
and another book event I went to last week.

How did I do?

Thanks to having some coffee shop time
well, Panera time really,
I got a lot done.

Drafts for both blogposts….done!
I need to scan some notes
for one of them,
but other than that, they are in rough draft form.

The outline of the presentation tips?
Also done!
So done in fact that I ended up
fleshing out one of the tips
into a post.

It was amazing to see what I could do
in just a few focused hours.
It’s making me think about
trying to get that time each week,
finding when I can get a chunk of an hour or so
to get things done.

This week I’ve got just one goal:

Revisit and revise my two stories
that are out on submission right now.

I got these great notes
and a revision request from an editor.
My agent and I talked about the changes,
and I’m excited about the direction
that both books could move into.

I’m hoping to play around with both this week
to see what may happen.

I’ll check in with you guys next week to tell you how it went!

I hope this is bringing some more insight into
what a writer’s week looks like,
and a little bit of behind the scenes into my process.

Thanks for following along and keeping me virtually accountable!

Bye for now,
Kathy Ellen

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