So I got a ridiculous package of things from my sister and her husband for my birthday, including:
the amazing book, the 2,458 best things ever said
Mad Libs Valentine’s day letters
a card and poem from my dad
and, last but not least,
So most of you probably don’t know what the pickle card is.
A while ago, Hallmark has this card that was a big pickle.
My brother loves pickles, we all thought the card was ridiculous, so we bought a bunch.
Now that I have it, I want to launch the Petey Pickle Project.
Basically all I did was put eyes on the fella, name him, and steal the “mail around flat Stanley” idea and apply it to a pickle.

My plan is to have it spend a month or two with each of my siblings, and maybe even some time with some family friends. Pictures, hilarity, and hopefully some diary entries from Petey will ensue. I think I’ll make each caretaker write a letter about Petey’s travels and we will try to set up some kind of flicker account.

Petey is staying here with me until the end of the SCBWI conference, so he will have plenty of chances to meet many a famous person!
What do you think?
Where should we send Petey?
He’s pretty excited to start his journey in CA, that’s for sure.