Since I’m meeting Peter Brown today, I thought I’d do one of his books!
The second I saw this one, I knew I had to have it.
Singe Singe loves it too!

Title: You will be my friend!
Published by: Little Brown and Company, 2011
Written by: Peter Brown
Illustrated by: Peter Brown
In one word: AWESOME!
In one sentence: A bear tries to find a friend; I mean, really really tries, but nothing seems to be working…will she ever find a friend?
Favorite pages:

- the illustrations. I love this style…it draws you in and makes you just want to touch the pictures…does that make sense to anyone?
- Love the wood background too.
- He did the hand-lettering in the dialogue bubbles..(it is my dream to someday hand-letter a picture book!)
- The humor is great.
- the story is really sweet and you feel for Lucy….you really want her to make a friend!
- Peter Brown gives some tips about how to make friends at the end of the book too!
- Lucy’s facial expressions are priceless.
- Friendship is a great thing to write about. Good thing because I have a few stories on it!
- Wood paneling backgrounds are so cool! (I may be partial because I’m a carpenter’s daughter….)
- Yelling: “You WILL be my friend!” never works!
I’ll let you know how meeting Peter Brown went!
And (GASP)
I’m so excited to be doing the guest blogging gig for PiBoIdMo!
Guest blog post due in two days…so tomorrow I’m brainstorming!
Here’s the bookshelf:

Ok, time to get brainstorming, writing, and stamping!
Notebooks shipping out soon π
Enthusiastically yours,
Kathy Ellen and Singe Singe
Again, another great book from Little Brown. π My boyfriend worked on this one, too. I love the paper they use for many of their books. It has a great feel. And works so well with Peter’s colors and illustration style.
Today I read MONSTER HUG by David Ezra Stein. I gotta say, it is not a favorite. It kinda has a board book feel, with no real concept til the end when the monsters go to bed. I mean, I guess we are supposed to think of the monsters as toddlers playing…but it didn’t really work for me.
Marcie, sounds like your boyfriend has fun at his job!
Haven’t heard of Monster Hug, but I like David Ezra Stein…
Very cool! Tell Peter I said hello! I think he remembers me…LOL. He is also guest blogging for PiBoIdMo!
Tara, I didn’t see this until after I already talked to him, but I did say I was reading 31 picture books in 31 days because (exact quote from me here):” You know, November is Picture Book Idea Month,” and he nodded his head, “Yeah, it is…”
And then I got to the car and thought, “DUH! He’s guest blogging for PiBoIdMo! I should have chatted to him more about that!!”
You get to meet so many cool people. Can you see how green I’m turning? Maybe I should write a book about The Girl Who Turned Green With Envy. π
I’m still in silly-story mood, so today I read “How Do You Read to a Rabbit?” by Andrea Wayne von Konigslow. (There should be umlauts over the two Os in the last name). A Canadian writer, I wish to point out! This is just a silly, fun story, showing all the animals you could try to read a bedtime story, and all the problems each would cause (a hippopotamus might want to sit in your lap, a kangaroo would hop too much), and concludes that reading to Mom and Dad is best. Not the greatest book in the world, but a fun read, and the author suggests on the back page that kids come up with more animals to try to read to, and more problems that would be caused. That would be fun to do with kids. By the way, to read to a rabbit, you’d have to have a LOT of stories! — there are about 40 rabbits in the illustration, although it wasn’t easy to count them. I didn’t try what my Dad always said to people when showing them the picture of my childhood rabbits (two mamas and 18 babies, the papa wasn’t in the picture). Dad always said, “Just count the ears and divide by two.” Right. π
I’m eyeing the pile of books I brought home from the library and wanting to read them all today! I’ll try to restrain myself to the proper one-a-day.
Beth, this one sounds like a bunch of fun….I have to admit, you pick books that aren’t on my radar, and that’s a good thing! More books to read!
And if you want to read more than one a day, I’m not complaining π
I love the “count the ears and divide by two thing!”
What a great book pick, Kathy…I love books that help kids learn about how to be a good friend…it is a life-long task. π
Congrats on the guest post gig for PIBOIDMO…I’ll be joining the party, thanks to you!
Also, congrats on all of your kidlit connections…you rock!
I’m really excited today…I was invited to speak at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content in Singapore next May…and I just got word that they will be paying my airfare and accomodations…hooray…I will be going!!!
Today I read “Creepy Carrots” written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by…yes…Peter Brown!
Great Halloween read for kids. π What a hilarious story…love the tension as Chester realizes that he is being stalked by carrots. And his ingenious solution to save himself actually saves the carrots. WONDERFUL illustrations. π
Just had to chime in with a YAY YOU! for the news that you can go to the festival in Singapore, Vivian. That is so wonderful!
OMG…I know…how amazing is that! Lots of details to work out, I’m sure…but I feel like I have wings right now. π
Creepy Carrots, HOORAY!
I heard Peter read this today….it’s so fun!
I didn’t end up getting that one signed because I was on a budget and only bought this one and the one I’m reviewing tomorrow….
So Awesome about going to Singapore by the way…CONGRATS! I know you’ll have a ton of fun…and paid airfare and accommodations is pure awesome as well.
I”m so excited about it, Kathy…I can hardly believe it’s true…have you heard about the AFCC before? It’s a five day conference for educators, publishers, editors, authors, illustrators, parents…with workshops and seminars and panels…people come from all over the world. π
Congratulations on your PiBoIdMo Blogging contest! Looking forward to reading it! And have fun meeting Peter Brown! Pictures please!
I read “Roly Poly Pangolin” by Anna Dewdney. I learned what a pangolin is! This is another wonderful rhyming book by the famous Anna. Pangolin is fearful of everything until he meets a friend.
Hi Kathy!
As a kind of hats off to the land of my birth, I read today a book called Alligator Wedding which takes place in the swamps. Author Nancy Jewell and illustrator J. Rutland tell a cute story about two alligators getting hitch in the bayou. I thought the illustrations were cute but had a bit of trouble staying with the rhyme and meter…don’t know if it was me or the layout of the story itself…maybe someone has read this and didn’t have an issue?
Donna L Martin
We read BY THE LIGHT OF THE HALLOWEEN MOON by Caroline Stutson and Kevin Hawkes. We found this book at the library and it was a fun book to read aloud. My kids really like books with repetitive text. Lots of great Halloween creatures like ghosts and ghouls and witches! We loved the illustration of the sprite — who is the last of the Halloween creatures that tries to get a little girl’s toes as she sits on a dock!
His illustrations really do make you want to touch them! I think it’s the texture.
I re-read A HOLE IS TO DIG. We found our copy at a library book sale for like $1. It was an awesome find.