This week I hit the package jackpot!

My housemates always complain that I get great packages in the mail.
And letters.

“Another one for you, Kathy Ellen!” they’ll call sometimes,
sounding a bit sad.

I think I’m going to make them something,
package it up,
and leave it on the front step.

Anyway, this week I hit the package jackpot!
I got one from work that contained things I needed (thanks work!)
one birthday related one,
and one “you got an agent” one!

First, birthday related:

My brother in law and a good friend of mine have a new tradition for birthdays: We all get the same beer, and pint glass, and have a drink together! (via skype, usually not on the ACTUAL day of birth...)
My brother in law and a good friend of mine have a new tradition for birthdays: We all get the same beer, and pint glass, and have a drink together!
(via skype, usually not on the ACTUAL day of birth…)
This is a brewery near my good friend, in Florida.
This is a brewery near my good friend, in Florida.


I like the names of the beer!
I like the names of the beer!

Now my “You got an agent” package from my GREAT friend and critique partner Priscilla!
(I got her Extra Yarn, doubly signed, for her “You got an agent” gift…)

This one came with so many fun things!

LOVE THIS BOOK! I bought it for a friend, but I didn't own it until now! I got the package three days ago and have read it to a new person every day. Yes, a new grown up every day. They love it.
I bought it for a friend, but I didn’t own it until now! I got the package three days ago and have read it to a new person every day. Yes, a new grown up every day. They love it.
AND it's signed to me! I love that the letters of my name are all over the place on the dots!
AND it’s signed to me!
I love that the letters of my name are all over the place on the dots!
Here's my card...with pizza on the outside!
Here’s my card…with pizza on the outside!


And some sock monkey stickers
And some sock monkey stickers


And sock monkey buttons! So exciting!
And sock monkey buttons! So exciting!


Hooray for mail.
Anyone else get anything fun in the mail recently?

Until next time,
KE and SS



1 thought on “This week I hit the package jackpot!

  1. I had hit package jackpot this week too! I won an iPad mini on a blog back in February and it arrived in the mail this week! So excited!

    Congrats again on your agent!! Have a good week!

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