Friday 5: Five (plus bonus!) favorites from childhood

Hi everyone!
Happy Friday!
Friday 5

Today’s Friday Five:books I read a ton as a kid.
It’s on my mind because my Mom just sent them to me.
They’re so worn out and lovely I just had to share.
And there may be more than 5.
Sue me if you’d like; you won’t get much πŸ™‚

OK, here we go!
I had to show you the spines in these pictures too, so you can see how well loved these books are πŸ™‚

20141003-083211.jpg1. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls.
I loved so many things about this book.
How it was told by an older guy looking back on his life.
How Old Dan and Little Ann love each other so much (and how Billy loves them too!)
How hard they all worked, and how you can come out of heartbreak and loss.
I normally don’t like dog books for some weird reason, but this one. THIS ONE.

20141003-083204.jpg2. Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Tony Ross
I wanted to marry Fantastic Mr. Fox when I was little.
Well, him and Dr. DeSoto.
He’s so cool! And charming! And resourceful!
I loved the illustrations in this as a kid too.

20141003-083155.jpg3. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, pictures by Garth Williams
C’mon, who doesn’t love Charlotte, right?
She’s so awesome!
And Fern and Wilbur and Templeton…I loved their simple, heartwarming story.
And again, loss.

20141003-083143.jpg4. The BFG by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake
I loved the character of the BFG.
I was TERRIFIED by the other monsters, and thought they really might come snatch me up at night, but then felt safe when I realized they were mostly taking English children.
I loved the idea of being able to make dreams.
And the BFG. He just wanted to be understood and do great things in this world.
Don’t we all?

20141003-083117.jpg5. The Trumpet of The Swan by E.B. White, illustrated by Edward Frascino
Yeah, I love E.B. White.
This one I’m sure my Mom brought to me (she was my book supplier as a child!)
and I fell in love with Louis immediately.
That poor guy!
He was a little different and had to try so hard!
And this is the book that inspired me to play Trumpet!
In 5th grade we had to choose and instrument to learn.
I picked this one so I could play the music in the book that Louis did.
(on a few pages there are the actual notes and the songs to learn!)
After having a hard time at first,
I did learn the trumpet,
going on to play it in middle school and high school with great success.
Thanks, E.B. White

Ok, BONUS! Two more! I just couldn’t cut off after 5!

20141003-083126.jpg6. The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle by Hugh Lofting.
I read this in kindergarten.
Yes, my Mom, a first grade teacher, taught me to read at 3.
I asked her if I loved reading, she said yes, that’s why she taught me so early!
I’m glad I got an early start πŸ™‚
I bet a lot of this story went right over my head,
but I thought it was so amazing how Dr. Doolittle could talk to animals,
and I LOVED the pushme-pullyou.
With a passion.
Other girls wanted horses?
I wanted a pushme-pull you πŸ™‚

20141003-083135.jpg7. Matilda by Roald Dahl, illustrations by Quentin Blake.
Oh, instant love for Matilda and Ms. Honey.
I wasn’t scared at all reading this book.
I just KNEW everything would work out ok for a girl who loved reading as much as she did.

Do you have any of your childhood books still?
What were some of your favorites?

See ya next Friday with another fun list and have a GREAT weekend!


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