Around here 1.

First, thanks everyone who reads this blog for being flexible.
If you’ve been here a while,
you know I’m all about trying new things.
If you’re new here, well, I just told you 🙂

I’m also not a fan of continuing to do things that I don’t like doing.
Of course I still have to (who actually likes commuting?)
but not on the blog.

So I’m not going to update what I’m listening to every week.
Instead, I’m going to make a MASTER LIST (cue evil laugh)
of podcast episodes that I particularly loved,
and that way I can point people to that
to help them find specific things to listen to depending on what they’re looking for.

That will happen soon-ish.

In the meantime, I read a lot of blogs,
and I like the “around here” sort of round up posts,
talking about what their week looked like.
I’ll talk a little bit about podcasts in these posts,
but it will also be fun for me I think to do a recap of the week.

So, here we go!

Around here we got some rain.
Usually it doesn’t rain that much here in Santa Cruz,
and I was happy for it, since we are in a drought.
What I wasn’t happy with was the state of my commute.
Since it doesn’t rain that much here,
drivers aren’t used to it, and accidents and bad driving incidents go way up.
(Any other East Coasters move to CA and experience this? I need to know I’m not alone!)

Each day the rain added about an hour to my commute,
which is already anywhere between 1 and 2 hours round trip.
I am thankful for arriving safely everywhere I went,
but I also didn’t go to capoeira as much.
When I got home, I didn’t want to have to leave the house AT ALL.
I started listening to The Art of Simple podcast, and that has been great to have a new voice and new topics to listen to.

Around here we are FULL ON CHRISTMAS, people!
We’ve got our advent calendar, tree, and crazy lights Danny set up.

Yay advent calendar!
Yay advent calendar!
Tree with lights on..notice those little wooden toys? Totally made those a few years ago 🙂
Lights on
Magic lights on the stairs
Magic lights on the stairs
across the top of the room :)
across the top of the room 🙂

When you walk up our stairs,
you’re welcomed with magic.

Around here we’re counting down the days.
One more week of school for Danny,
two more weeks of work for me.
We’re not going anywhere over the holidays,
but we’re looking forward to the time off.

Around here we’re almost done Season Three of The Office
(both of us have already seen it and we’ve started rewatching the series together)
and I know I am in full on heartbreak mode for Jim and Pam.
I know what’s going to happen but I still hurt for them.
Had a nice discussion this week on Twitter about how they just might be
our favorite love story.

Around here work is getting DONE!
Danny has some papers due for school,
and is working on some stuff about getting his house sold.
(He’s got a house back in NY that he’s been trying to sell since May; seems like these buyers are really going to work out!)

I’m revising like a fiend.
I love #WriteDaily30. It’s been helping me to have that specific goal, which, in my case, has been to revise for 30 minutes a day. I’m revising the book I have under contract, and THREE MORE that we want to send out soon. Really makes me feel like a REAL writer.

The Christmas stocking has also been work.
I had a friend help me with the start of the heel,
made it ALMOST all the way to the end,
then messed up
and had to take it ALL OUT.

After pouting for a few days,
I realized I COULD get back to that mess up point,
because I’d done it before.
Now I’m two rows away from finishing the heel.
The end is in sight.
I just MIGHT get these two done by Christmas.

An early pic of the stocking, from a screen shot. Yes, I probably should have cropped it, but you know what? That probably would have held me up. So here it is.
An early pic of the stocking, from a screen shot. Yes, I probably should have cropped it, but you know what? That probably would have held me up. So here it is.

I also met up with some Urban Sketchers in Santa Cruz.
It was fun to get together and talk shop with real life illustrators.
They were SO TALENTED!
I’m not sure my art during that meetup qualified as urban sketching,
since I only drew things from my imagination,
but I’m going to count it anyway.

This sort of counts as real life, since I painted it first. And I did make that squirrel!
This sort of counts as real life, since I painted it first. And I did make that squirrel!
Definitely not a creature found on the streets of Downtown Santa Cruz
Definitely not a creature found on the streets of Downtown Santa Cruz
Most fun to draw ever!
Most fun to draw ever!

Around here we are about to make chili to last us until the middle of the week,
then take a walk around our neighborhood to enjoy the sun while we have it 🙂

Hope your week went well!


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