Sunday Donut #9

Intro in case you don’t know about the Sunday donut:
(it’s sort of like that chapter at the start of every Babysitter’s Club book that you can skip if you know the world already! If you know, just scroll down to the donut pic. That’s where it gets started!)

Ok, I just had a blast reading my friend Jackie’s blog.
She borrowed something she loved from another blog:
A heart to heart sort of post about life,
as if we were sitting down to have coffee together and just chatting.

Except I can’t drink coffee.
I mean, I CAN,
but the world is not ready for that.
It would be like this:

So instead I’m going with donut.
I used to be a paper carrier, and we would get donuts EVERY Sunday!
So I’ve sort of been conditioned.
I’ve even got a nice little donut shop within walking distance!

So, imagine that we meet at my house, walk down to get donuts, walk back (chatting the whole while!) and then sit in my kitchen, chatting some more and snacking.

Nice donut today: a fun cake one topped with icing and sprinkles. Clearly I’m excited about it!

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I started work this week! Yup, back to 10 hour, sometimes 11.5 hour days (like this Friday. Left at 6 and got home at 5:30!)

I really like my job: bringing history to life for kids. It’s exhausting but rewarding. It has been challenging to keep up with my regular output, but I did it. I may have to switch around some things in the future; we’ll see.

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I watched two Harry Potter movies this week. Yes, TWO. We watched Prisoner of Azkaban on Monday, because we finished reading the book Monday.

Then we watched Goblet of Fire on Tuesday. Danny said he’s getting too disappointed in the movies if we watch them after reading the book, so we’re watching the movies first now.

We probably won’t watch another one for a while, because it will take A LONG TIME to get through reading Goblet of Fire (at our one chapter a night read aloud pace!)

If we were having donuts I’d tell you I launched my coloring sheets raising money for NaNoWriMo Night of Writing Dangerously! You’ve probably noticed; I have been publishing a post per book on this blog and on my lettering blog, then sharing on many different social media networks.

It’s been challenging to keep up with doing it everyday, but I know it will be fun to see the results. I’ll share all of it when I’m done (end of the month!) Link to donate and more info is here.

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I started another daily Instagram challenge. I know, like I have time for ANOTHER challenge, but, you guys, I do. It’s more of a writing warm up and it’s really fun. I’m sharing them day to day on Instagram and I’ll share them all here when I’m done.Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 10.17.46 PMHere are a few 🙂

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that things are moving along in the writing world. My final (I hope!) draft is in with my editor; we are discussing next week. Another manuscript is out on submission, and my agent just took a look at seven new ones, with good news; some are ready or nearly ready to go out!

I’m so excited that these ideas are resonating with her and she thinks she can sell them, since it really has to be both in order for the book to have a chance to be a real book out in the world.

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that one of my co-workers came to watch me! This is sort of strange because we do our own programs, but it’s fun to see how others work through the script as well. I had a lot of fun with her there!

I wrote this for her; this is her “You are too cute” face.

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you about going to see Elizabeth Gilbert! It was awesome to hear her talk and to hang out with great friends at the same time! I even hid some notes of cheer around the high school; I hope the kids get encouraged by them! I did sketchnotes of the event too; I’ll share them soon 🙂

Here we are at the event! Thanks Bookshop Santa Cruz for getting this awesome event together for everyone!

View from the balcony!

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I have two days off this week! It’s pretty much the best week ever in that regard. Don’t get me wrong; I love my job, but it’s nice that I will need to get a lot of things done in the next few weeks, so it will be good to get ahead.

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I was at Open Streets today! They closed a street to cars and opened it up to bikes and pedestrians. We had a capoeira roda and drew quite a crowd! It’s fun to do capoeira out in the wild 🙂 And it’s always fun to be out in the sun by the ocean, right?

If we were having donuts, I’d tell you my brother Davey is in town from Arizona! Just for a day, but we have been playing games today (that’s why this is so late!) with him and some other awesome friends. It feels SO GOOD to just sit back, relax, and play some games. We planted and harvested beans in this game, shot at each other in this game, and set monsters to do our work in this game. Really fun times. Danny LOVES games so I really also love seeing him having so much fun.

The view from here, playing games.

Thumbs up for the two oldest siblings!

Trying to do serious faces. I failed miserably!

How about you, friends?
Thanks for having a donut with me.
Now let me know what’s going on with you!
What are you up to? What’s making your heart sing?
and most importantly, what kind of donut are you eating?

Until next time, bye for now,

1 thought on “Sunday Donut #9

  1. We would be having Black & White cookies because I was at Saul’s on Sunday and bought one. It was as amazing as I remember.

    I’d tell you I also snagged a signed first edition of “Waiting” while B was getting his hair cut. Yes, we get our hair cut in the Berkeley. The guy is just that good.

    I would also tell you that I started reading “The Marvels”. I’m to the text section, but could not bring myself to lug that book on this tour. I was actually afraid at one point of the book whacking me in the head while I was reading it in bed. But it is beautiful. The gold is mesmerizing. And I cannot wait to finish it soon.

    I would also tell you that there are blog posts up on the cow’s blog. I’m using the reviews I have posted on Instagram as a starting point. Somehow the first one I did made the text huge (yes, I was lazy and copied and pasted), but I left it up anyway.

    I would also tell you that I wore this silly bead necklace today and had several strangers compliment me. It’s rather sparkly, but it is something I bought on a whim for $15. It is literally one kind of bead hooked together , and I have to be careful that they stay hinged. But I thought about it, and I think it may be more than the necklace that is shining.

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