Intro in case you don’t know about the Sunday donut:
(it’s sort of like that chapter at the start of every Babysitter’s Club book that you can skip if you know the world already! If you know, just scroll down to the donut pic. That’s where it gets started!)
Ok, I just had a blast reading my friend Jackie’s blog.
She borrowed something she loved from another blog:
A heart to heart sort of post about life,
as if we were sitting down to have coffee together and just chatting.
Except I can’t drink coffee.
I mean, I CAN,
but the world is not ready for that.
It would be like this:
So instead I’m going with donut.
I used to be a paper carrier, and we would get donuts EVERY Sunday!
So I’ve sort of been conditioned.
I’ve even got a nice little donut shop within walking distance!
So, imagine that we meet at my house, walk down to get donuts, walk back (chatting the whole while!) and then sit in my kitchen, chatting some more and snacking.
I got a REALLY basic donut this time.
It was great.
This is the picture I asked Danny to take. The thing is…
He keeps taking pictures after I ask him to stop. Which is how I got this one that I really like!
Then I laugh because I know what he’s up to…
And we have lots of pictures like this. He LOVES this pose of me reaching toward the camera; he thinks these photos are SO FUNNY! So I had to give you a little behind the scenes today. There you go!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I had a FANTASTIC, wait, MARVELOUS time at the Hicklebee’s event for Brian Selznick! I loved his presentation, there were affordable snacks (a dollar for a cookie, I mean, that’s a steal!) and time to chat with him while getting the book signed. My very first Hicklebee’s event was seeing him, so it was sort of like a four year anniversary celebration for me and Hicklebees too. It was REALLY awesome. More on that, with notes, coming soon! Brian and Singe Singe, best buds.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I was at a great school on Wednesday and Thursday. The janitor at this school is so friendly, and I got to talk to him about this awesome behind the scenes Giants experience he had! And some of the parents told me congratulations; they remembered that I didn’t have a ring on my left hand last year! I love going to places where the people remember me and I get to have a blast.
If we were having donuts, I‘d tell you that we shopped for my sister’s baby shower. I wish I could be there, but we can’t fly cross country more than once a year. It is also sort of killing me that we won’t be able to see the little guy (he’s due in January!) until the summer, but I have to remind myself that this is where we live, and we will still see them. We had fun picking out the gifts for him and sending them along.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I had such a fun time at book club. I always do! This one was at Hicklebee’s, and we discussed this book.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I had something funky and unexpected happen this week, and it threw me off for a bit. But I talked it out with people and felt better about it. I’m being vague but I promise you it’s no big thing, it just felt like a big thing because it was so out of the ordinary. It’s easy to get caught up in things like that when they happen, so I’m glad I took a step back and relaxed and felt better quickly.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you about the great conversation I had with my agent. I recently sent her seven manuscripts that I’ve been working on, and she really liked them all, but two rose up to the top, and we’re working hard on getting those ready to send out. There’s always something in the works, which is really encouraging. Every time I talk to her I remember how thankful I am to have her.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that we had so much fun by the beach on Saturday! One of the houses set up a sort of “landshark attack” scene, and it was EPIC! Fake bodies and blood, lots of caution tape, and we even got candy necklaces with a big old shark tooth on it! I love when people get excited about Halloween and go all in! FIr First thing you see. Not that scary, right?
Caution you guys!
Ah! A victim!
The landshark in question
Lots of evidence all over the place!
You’ve been warned!
That did not end well for her.
More carnage
Even the surfboard could not escape!
Another shot of the wreckage
The only survivor, the owner of the house!
Bloody evidence bag!
The homeowner cleaning up a bit!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I had SO MUCH FUN at the seanwes meetup in San Francisco! So many awesome people to meet, and so many awesome conversations. It was SO worth the drive up from Santa Cruz. I love being around go-getters and inspiring people. I have no pictures from the meetup; I was too busy talking to people and connecting! But I did take some time to write some encouraging words on a whiteboard wall.
And I made this towering stack of pizzelles to bring and share with people!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that we basically mapped out our November today, financially and socially. We’ve got stuff going on almost all the time, but we love our friends, and want to make sure we get to spend time with them. It’s easier to do it this way too; and I knew I wanted things planned before I got all into NaNoWriMo mode.
Speaking of, if we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I’m doing NaNoWriMo again, and I even made a free printable to encourage other people on about it! I just finished scanning it today and making it into a PDF, so hopefully it should be ready to go out into the world soon! I love this time of year. My writer brain is READY and RARING to go! This was a little write in today I had at the laundrymat! Here’s Neil Gaiman, in his bag form, cheering me on on top of the dirty laundry!
And here I am, writing for real in the laundrymat!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that Danny and I had a relaxing evening this week. I was stressed about not going to capoeira as much, but feeling a bit sick. I grabbed a few picture books, read for ten minutes, and instantly felt better.
I asked him if he wanted to play a game, go for a walk, and go to bed early, and it was like music to his ears. “Let’s do this at least once a week!” he said enthusiastically. Yes, you heard that right. We will be going to bed early once a week and we’re EXCITED about it. If that’s not being an adult, I don’t know what is! Playing this fun game!
Danny won, but we both had fun!
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that this is late today because we had friends over to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas (in 3D!) and they just left. It was our great friends that we actually lived with for a while before we moved here, and it was just like the good old days. I know it’s just watching a movie, but I love hanging out with friends like that. We popped popcorn, talked about Halloween costumes, geeked out in our 3D glasses, and promised to do it again soon.
If we were having donuts, I’d tell you that we’re really excited about planning our Christmas party. Yeah, we’ve already started planning it. I love having fun events, and Danny does too. It’s also awesome to have something to look forward to that far in the future.
Finally, if we were having donuts, I’d tell you that I’m taking it easy this month. I sort of have to with the big goal of hitting that 50K for NaNoWriMo, and it feels AWESOME to not have so much going on and devote so much time to my writing. I know it can’t be like this all the time, but it’s nice to really focus on getting that horrible first draft out and that word count up.
That’s all for this week.
How about you, friends?
Thanks for having a donut with me.
Now let me know what’s going on with you!
What are you up to? What’s making your heart sing?
and most importantly, what kind of donut are you eating?
Until next time, bye for now,