Writing Check in #9: This month’s writing goals.


Yup, I’m changing it up.
I think I’m going to do better setting a big goal for the month,
and reporting back that way.

That’s the nice thing;
we are always free to experiment
and try something new.

I’m not going to lie,
the last two months of June hit me like a hurricane.

I ended work
and had all this free time
and found that I was just EXHAUSTED.

I couldn’t really concentrate or get anything done;
it was like I was in a fog and needed time to come out.

I fought it for a while.
I tried to push through.
And then I relaxed.

I realized, I have plenty of time.
It’s only two weeks.
And if I’m feeling like this,
I probably DO need a rest.

I decided to make July the next goal setting target,
and I set one:

I want to work for at least 30 minutes
on my writing each day.

I know, that doesn’t sound like a lot.
But I know it’s do-able.

With the baby coming soon,
and so much stuff we want to get done before that,
I’m setting smaller goals
that I can meet and perhaps succeed.

I also am looking at making a better plan
for more blogposts here
and kicking
Kidlit with KE into gear
(yeah, the podcast I’m bringing back soon!)

As always blog readers,
thanks for following and reading along.

I think I’ll do a middle of the month check in
to let you know how I’m doing!

I hope this is bringing some more insight into
what a writer’s week looks like,
and a little bit of behind the scenes into my process.

Thanks for following along and keeping me virtually accountable!

Bye for now,
Kathy Ellen

1 thought on “Writing Check in #9: This month’s writing goals.

  1. You got this. 🙂

    Feel free to completely ignore me, but I will say that when I started giving myself one day each week to NOT write, it was a really good thing.

    Proud of you!!!! Glad you rested. You needed it!

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