PiBoIdMo: 7 more!

Ok, here we are, day 20, still going strong with PiBoIdMo. I have to admit that I’ve slowed down a bit, due to major car issues, playing a bit more capoeira, starting a real life letter writing project, and doing work for school, but I’ve kept going with ideas, plugging away. Speaking of capoeira, funny…

PiBoIdMo: First 6 days!

I plan on doing a six pack of a review for PiBoIdMo. What is PiBoIdMo? It’s the picture book writer’s equivalent for NaNoWriMo. 30 ideas in 30 days! I’ve got myself a nifty journal: I have 54 ideas (not counting any from today!) and am going strong! I love checking out the posts on Tara’s…
