62: City and Country

I saw this book on the Kirkus review list, and c’mon.
You should know by now that I cannot, simply CANNOT resist a book by Mo Willems.
I saw it on the shelf at the library and did one of those grabs that I’m going to someday write a book about.
The kind that makes you look a bit crazy, if someone was watching, but really, who is watching you at the library? It is one of those grabs where you are so excited that a book you want is there that you just snatch it.

Yeah, it’s more of a snatch.
And then you feel ridiculous, because, really, who is going to come along and take that book away from you? A kid? Another adult? You tell yourself, no, that’s not going to happen, but you secretly plan in your head how you would sneak in there and get it, or say something about how you were just going to grab it….

I told you.
A book. Someday.

Until then though, here’s book # 62:
City Dog, Country Frog by Mo Willems, pictures by John J Muth

City Dog, Country Frog, in the rain

I had fun drawing the rain in this one, and the dog.
Again, the pictures always look better when I first draw them, but I do really like the multimedia affect of the writing coming across the picture too after I write on the backside of the drawing.

Maybe someday I’ll have so much time that I can scan the pictures right away, but, realistically, that’s never going to happen.

So, in an effort to catch up to the modern day (since I’m going to be going on three months behind getting reading Journal up here…)I’m putting a bunch into tomorrow’s post.

Look for:
An author you’ve already seen before, some poetry! and a box. Or perhaps not a box!

until then, read and write on!
Kathy Ellen

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