Manic Mondays #1: Near, far, wherever you are.

Welcome to Manic Mondays, everyone!
This idea came out of how much fun my brother and I had with the March Madness Poetry tournament. Writing poetry was really fun, and we both got really into it.

I suggested we start something on my blog, and my brother agreed!
So here’s how Manic Mondays work:

We will each write a poem, and you get to vote.
The poems will be anonymous, but when the voting is done, we’ll announce who wrote what!
Posts will happen on Monday, winner will be announced on Thursday.
I think that’s about it so far.

We are hoping to have special guest poets coming on soon too!

For the first round, I suggested we take a line from a famous or favorite (or both!) song and use it in the poem somewhere. I think we will keep this up for a while but we’re open to suggestions on the next challenge!

My brother suggested something from the Titanic, since it’s the 100th anniversary and the movie is coming out in 3D.

I heard Titanic,
immediately went to “My Heart will go on”
and “near, far, WHEREVER you are….”

So, here we go:
Necessary biographies and cute pictures:

Meet the contenders.
On the left, older sibling Dave, who still wears khaki pants and occasionally carries around a Donald Duck even though he's 30. Don't worry; he doesn't have that haircut anymore and NEVER wears polo shirts.
On the right is Kathy Ellen. She still has as much hair as she did back then, but that good luck care bear was so well loved that it's losing stuffing today. Thankfully she has a sock monkey to fill the roll. At 28 (almost 29!) she never wears her hair in pigtails, but can often be found wearing a dress and leggings, sometimes both at the same time!

Alright, here come the poems!

Ode to a lost treasure

Remember when I got you?
At the boardwalk by the beach?
Due to perfect execution
at Dance Dance revolution
and extra tickets from skeeball.

From that moment on
you were always with me,
and hilarious.

Mom, Dad,cats.
Teachers, classmates, even Grandpa once.

No one was safe.

Until one day
at the park
in the sun
having fun
We left before I realized
I  had left you.

We went back but it was too late.
You were already gone.
Someone saw you I bet and scooped you up.
I’m not surprised.
You’re that great.

I can get another one, it’s true.
But there was something I really liked about you.
the brownish red,
the taste of rubber,
your perfect sound.

I will probably never see you again
and I will probably get another.

but one thing keeps me going
one thing I know for sure
about you,
my lost whoopee cushion:

Near, far,
wherever you are,
I believe that
the farts will go on.

So you are not really lost after all. 

VERSUS! (yelled in the Extreme Rap Battles of History style…)

Procrastination with Alliteration 

While trying to think of the ultimate poem,
The perfect-est prose of all time,
I took note of numerous things here at home,
Which distracted from writing my rhyme.

The world is often quite boring and dull,
Except when I’ve something to do;
And then, I have found, it’s amazing and full,
Of stuff that seems shiny and new!

I concluded that life is much better by far,
When you’re not doing quite what you should;
Anytime, near, far, wherever you are,
You’ll find slacking off can be good!

Still not convinced? Then perhaps you’ll agree,
It’s relaxing to goof off, occasionally.
But enough of my musing, it’s rhyme time for me!
Shouldn’t take long…I wonder what’s on TV…

[polldaddy poll=6100886] Thank you for voting!

Please leave a comment about a challenge you would like to see or if you want to participate! We’d love to have you!

Until next time, write on!

7 thoughts on “Manic Mondays #1: Near, far, wherever you are.

    1. No worries Kim, I don’t think Kathy Ellen will be offended if you vote…you were going to vote for mine, right?? 😛 Either way though, vote it up, shooting for double digits!!

    1. Yes, me too, Susan! I’m glad you have some fun stuff going on on your blog, too! I’ll be hoping over to check things out daily!

  1. Narcissist Love Letter

    I remember when I met you,
    That glorious July Day,
    Strong our bond grew,
    Looking so cute in your purple beret,

    I fell in Love,
    Right then and there,
    You fit me like a glove,
    You and your curly, brillo pad hair,

    The sun was shining,
    The mimes were miming
    You made me feel truly elite,
    I felt my life was now totally complete,

    I miss those days,
    When we were so close,
    Soaking up the sun rays,
    Talking and being so verbose,

    I want to get back there,
    I believe we can,
    I’ve learned from this scare,
    And want you to be my man,

    I believe I’ve found the solution
    Since for you there is no substitution,
    A portable, front facing, full body mirror,
    With a resolution, that can’t be clearer,

    That way, my star,
    Near, Far,
    Wherever you are,
    You’ll be my personal Russian Czar,

    Now anytime of the day or night,
    You won’t be out of my sight,
    Hugging you so tight,
    And staring at you in all kinds of light,

    For when you smile, I smile too,
    But anything on my right,
    Seems like on the left to you,

    We have been reunited you and me,
    It could only be better if, of us, there were three!

    1. WOW.
      I love the purple beret.
      I think we should just write our own book of ridiculous Davis sibling poetry.
      Debbie’s got a limerick about marty the fish who likes to party that is pretty funny.

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