Reveal: Manic Mondays #1

First, thank you to everyone who voted!
Last time I checked we were up to 12, and I know only five of those votes were mine 🙂
Totally kidding.
I only voted three times.
only once people.

So who wrote what?
Kathy Ellen wrote: Ode to a lost treasure.
Dave wrote: Procrastination with alliteration. 

What was your inspiration?
Dave:  Waiting until the last minute was my inspiration.
KE: I thought about losing something and linked that with the near, far, wherever you are, and then thought about how tragic it would be to lose a whoopie cushion. Plus the spoof on my heart will go on was just too hard to resist.

What did think of the other poem?
Dave: it was written with great verbal dexterity and i would easily put it in the top 2.
KE: What other poem? I’ve been putting off reading it…there are just so many other great things to do…hmm…I’ll go read it. Wow! How did that other poet get my life down so accurately? I’m going to take a stanza or two and add it to my bio!

How will you bounce back from this tragic defeat?
Dave: I think the best thing is to go forward with a sense of humility, and realize that I wrote a great poem, and all I can hope is next time people’s tastes improves.

How will you celebrate this epic victory?
KE: I’m going to go out and buy a whoopie cushion, I think. Or eating ten pizelles (italian cookies) could count, since I already did that about five minutes ago.

The next challenge, in celebratory fashion for our getting older blog host, will be this:
Poets are only allowed to use the letters that are included in this phrase:
“Happy Birthday Kathy Ellen Davis!”
You may use each letter more than once, but not per word, unless there are multiples.
Example: you can use the letter L two times in one word, and then use the letter again in another word, but can’t use it three times in one word.

Sooo…..What do you think about the next challenge?
Dave: The next challenge is interesting, but I don’t think it will overly tax my abilities.
KE: I just think it’s epic to have a challenge all about me. (blushes in a very 29 year old way)

What do you think about adding another Davis to the mix?
Dave: I think it’s a good thing….it will definitely give voters more variety and it’s likely that the more candidates we add to the mix, the more my poem will stand out and shine.
KE: I think the more Davis’s the better it will be. That’s usually how it works in life.

Stay tuned and get your voting caps ready for Monday! Hooray!

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