I love this meme.
I saw it on a couple of fun blogs and decided to do it!
It’s really fun.
You can see what we’ve been reading here, and what other people have been reading too.
What an awesome way to share books!
Find out more about it here!
I think it’s also going to replace my paper and crayon reading journal,
that I haven’t had time to update.
So, without further ado…
We were on a graphic novel roll!
(Singe Singe LOVES them!)
This is such a fun graphic novel! We loved the story, the father-son relationship, and the fact that cardboard can become all kinds of things!Bought this book at a Book Fair of a school I worked at. We loved the illustrations….Zita is so sweet. And all the fun characters throughout are awesome too.This book is SO AWESOME! I do history programs for 5th graders and we talk about Nathan Hale, so this was great to learn more about him. We really liked how much history was packed in, the banter between the hangman, the British officer, and Nathan Hale, and we can’t wait for future titles!We loved this one too. Native American tales, each one illustrated by a different person. It’s so nice to read these traditional tales.
And we read some picture books and chapter books too:
One! We met Kathryn Otoshi (post on that later) and had fun reading this book. So simple, yet so awesome.Zero. Another awesome book. We got to hear Kathryn read this too. Signed and ready to put on the shelf!We met Melissa Sweet over the summer and got this book signed. It’s really fun, the illustrations are AWESOME, and the story is really good. A fun read!Got this one at a book fair too. Love the whole series; Singe Singe can really relate to Chewbacca too, so he loved it.
I also read a few that Singe Singe didn’t:
This book is so awesome. Missed Connections are really fun by themselves, but add Sophie Blackall’s illustrations, and you’ve got gold. So fun. SO FUN.I always find good graphic novels when I’m at the library, and this one was great. I really liked the style of the illustrations, how simple yet effective they are.
Gotta read the stuff on my shelves.
The Giver
Catching Blue
The Messenger
Some picture books (I think I’m going to finally make it to the library!)
and maybe some other chapter books, we’ll see.
What are you reading this week?
As always, we’re enthusiastically yours, and HAPPY Monday!