Goals for 2013

This year, I’m trying to keep goals to a minimum.
Sometimes I overwhelm myself with too many things.
It’s not that I can’t focus; it’s just I get a little distracted and can’t decide:

Which one do I want to do or focus on?

Well, I made it a goal this year to keep my illustrated guide to 2013 simple.

And I think I succeeded.
There’s only 6 sections on it!

  • Work hard on my writing
  • Stay on budget and pay down credit cards
  • Stay healthy (sleeping enough, eating well, exercising a lot, and drinking tea)
  • Make things that make ME happy
  • Go to the ocean more
  • simplify

Here’s my other goals:

One small story a day
I’ve been seeing that mason jar with pieces of paper in it
floating around on resolution lists.
I found it last year and I really like the idea.
But I tweaked it.

If you’ve ever had a conversation with me, you know I speak in stories.
At least one thing story-worthy happens to me everyday.
So I’m harnessing those stories and writing one up each day, saving them for later.

It’s also going to be a great use for the tons of paper I have around.
Since I don’t have a big enough Mason Jar, I’m using an amazing container
that used to house a bottle of Diplomatico Rum.

The man on the outside looks very serious.
He needs some stories I bet.

Draw a momentI’m keeping a drawing journal this year.
I love journaling, but I don’t like being COMMITTED to a certain type.
I have a journal that I just write in whenever.
But I wanted something simple and fun.

So I decided on this.
I’ll have the journal with me, and just take a moment, one moment a day, and draw what I see.
If I’m feeling ambitious, I can write something too.
Yesterday it came out as a string of words, ending with: “I should try surfing this year.”
See, revelations already!

read 1007 books
Yes, I want to read a lot of books.
At first I was going for 2013, but I realized that’s actually a lot.
Not so bad.
To do this, I’m getting a lot of help from the hold shelf at my library.
I’m also joining the Novel Society at Hicklebee’s, reading one YA book a month.
That’s actually good, because if there’s anything I usually DO NOT read on my own,
it’s YA.

Good ol’ Goodreads will be helping me keep track of this one.
A widget should be appearing on the side soon so you can look at how I’m doing
and badger me to read more
Recommend some books to read!

Ok this last one is an experiment.
I read up on some blogs that if you want to make Β a habit, why not do it for one month?
I thought about it yesterday.
I sort of did that for November. I wrote every day.
I thought a lot yesterday about what my January one should be.
And, right before I went to bed, I figured it out.
Luckily, I already did it that day, so I was all set.

So, the January goal/challenge to do every day is:
January 2013
I live four blocks away from the Pacific Ocean.
I have a little spot I like to go.
And it’s nice and sunny out most days.
So, every day in January, I will go down to the ocean.
We’ll see how that turns out.

What goals do you all have for the New Year?
Anyone else trying an every day thing, or focusing on something in particular?

As for Singe Singe (I know you’re all wondering!) his goal is to meet at least 10 authors and or illustrators this year, NOT including the SCBWI Conference.

Also, he wants his own pinterest board.
I told him I’d work on it.

Until next time, we’re enthusiastically yours,
Kathy Ellen and Singe Singe

10 thoughts on “Goals for 2013

  1. You have a million resolutions! I have read some good YA this year – the Delirium trilogy and Divergent trilogy (well the first 2 books of each). The Matched trilogy is pretty good too (but I’m slogging a little slowly through book 3).

    1. I’ve heard Divergent is really good, thanks Lauri for the recommendations.

      I actually just finished the Matched Trilogy…I read the first one way back when, maybe last year, then saw my library had the others available. I have to admit that I was slogging through the third book too! I kept wanting to skip ahead to find out what was going to happen.

      The first book I’m reading for the YA book club is Seraphina by Rachel Hartman. I’m sure I’ll review it on here!

      The funny thing is, I used to have SO MANY more resolutions.
      Like, a billion πŸ™‚

    1. Tina, that would be fun to read at the beach together!
      Did you grow up around the beach?
      I didn’t, and that’s why I have this resolution.
      I’m ashamed to say I’ve lived at this house for a total of 6 months and, before this resolution, maybe only made it down to the ocean 7 or 8 times.

      I’m training myself to like it more, and so far, it’s working πŸ™‚

      1. Kathyellen,
        I grew up in Iowa, no ocean! So while we lived 1/2 hr from the beach in Southern CA in 2007-2010, we went often. Kids loved it. I always saw some new creature each time I went to my special spot πŸ™‚ even dolphins!

        1. Wow, dolphins!
          I’ve never seen those from the beach, though saw some when I was stand up paddle-boarding. I was convinced there was a shark mixed in there somewhere.

  2. Good luck with your resolutions, Kathy Ellen. I love your list and I think you’ll have a lot of fun doing it. I live right near the ocean too (Atlantic) and hardly ever go there. I drive along it sometimes on the way to work and think ‘I should come here to hang out” and then I don’t. Unfortunately, we don’t have CA weather but that’s no excuse! Best in 2013!

    1. Thanks for the luck, Dana!
      Best of luck to you too! I love the Atlantic Ocean; I grew up on the East coast so I think of it as my home ocean, but I don’t know…the Pacific is growing on me…

  3. I found your blog through Vivian’s positive parenting participation blog. This year, I’m doing a jar of good things that happened in 2013 with my kids. I think it will be a lot of fun when we open it at the end of the year.

    I read a lot of books too, adult and children’s books with my kids and I review a few every week on my blog. If you haven’t read Lois Lowry’s series The Giver (4 books total), you need to. They were on my list of favorite books for 2012.

    1. Awesome, I’m going to check this out! I’m having a hard time not looking back at the little stories I write every day but I know it will be that much better when I do at the end of the year!

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