Reading Round Up 2013, Weeks 20 and 21.

Ok, I promise I’m NOT going to make a habit of this.
So last week
(yup, that would be week 20!)
I had to get up really early.
Like 5 AM early to make it to work on time.

My manager came to watch my program.
He lives in LA (that’s where the company’s out of)
and had never been to Candlestick Park.

“Giants game?”
he asked.

And just like that my Tuesday plans went from blogpost and capoeira
to this:

Baseball In SF! I bought a scorecard. I always need to be writing something!
Baseball In SF!
I bought a scorecard.
I always need to be writing something!
On the way to the park, I'm not gonna lie... I really wanted to stop at Chronicle. Or just look in the windows. But it was closed and I was running late!
On the way to the park,
I’m not gonna lie…
I really wanted to stop at Chronicle.
Or just look in the windows.
But it was closed and I was running late!
Zoomed in view...right behind the plate!
Zoomed in view…right behind the plate!
Here's where we were, actual shot.
Here’s where we were, actual shot.
You have to eat, right? and you HAVE to get a sock monkey! #souvenirs
You have to eat, right?
and you HAVE to get a sock monkey!
We moved to stand in the back, just in time to see the walk off home run.
We moved to stand in the back, just in time to see the walk off home run.
The Golden Gate bridge is REALLY pretty at night.
The Golden Gate bridge is REALLY pretty at night.

Good news though.
I did get to ride the BART (our subway system up in SF)
so I did get a lot of reading in.

Also in week 20 I met David Sedaris!
He would not allow pictures, but there’s a good story coming up about it, I swear!

I also watched Space Jam as the midnight movie, which threw of my sleep schedule but was totally worth it!

Space Jam!
Space Jam!

Lots of ice cream was made too.
You see, a new person moved in next door to our house a few weeks ago.
And we live in the kind of neighborhood where we hang out with our neighbors.
So new guy starts bringing around his friends,
and we can’t help it if they think my housemates and I are awesome!
(I live with 2 other girls and a guy)

So basically we just sort of fell into about 15 new friends.
Two of which are from Nebraska…brothers.
At a recent cornhole party (you know, the beanbag toss game)
that was accompanied by a BBQ (they always are)

I brought cookies and cream ice cream.
Which prompted Big brother Nebraska to issue an ice cream challenge.
Turns out he has an ice cream maker too.

My Saturday afternoon was spent cutting strawberries
My Saturday afternoon was spent cutting strawberries
And chocolate
And chocolate
And crumbling up oreo cookies, as well as mixing cream, milk, cocoa powder, and the like.
And crumbling up oreo cookies, as well as mixing cream, milk, cocoa powder, and the like.

My flavors made included:
vanilla with PB cups,
And chocolate.

He made:
mint chocolate chip
coffee with toffee

I also made cookies and cream ice cream for another BBQ we had the same night.

The ice cream was a hit.
Everyone loved all the flavors,
but the strawberry and the coffee officially tied for first.

Then it was off to another BBQ and karaoke.
The cookies and cream ice cream there was a hit,
and karaoke was rockin.

For the record,
I sang: “Thrift Shop”
and “Sweet Caroline.”

So you can see why I’m just NOW recovered enough to write about what I read.
getting to the books…
sorry. I just really like to tell stories.

Cue the monkey:


Screen shot 2013-05-27 at 3.36.14 PMLoved these books.
David Sedaris is hilarious.
He’s got a great one in here about journaling too.
How he realizes that he is taking time out of his life to record it,
but it would bug him if he didn’t do it.
I can totally relate.

And Quiet?
You have to read it.
It helped me voice the fact that yes:
I AM an extroverted INTROVERT.
No one believes it for a second, but I know it’s true.
Screen shot 2013-05-27 at 3.36.00 PM Then I read some picture books.
I had book club this week at Hicklebee’s and had some free time on my hands before it started.
I love when that happens because I can read new books.

Line 135 is fun in the format and in the sparse text.

If you want to see a whale is funny and quiet and goofy and kind of profound all at once, with awesome art.

Inside Outside is wordless with awesome art and so much to talk about and die cut windows!

and The Museum is about all kinds of art. AND it’s illustrated by Peter Reynolds.

Screen shot 2013-05-27 at 3.35.47 PM

These are two books I read for bookclub.
The first one, Eleanor and Park, is for next month,
but the second I got it I couldn’t put it down.
It’s a sweet love story for the YA crowd.
I really like how much they didn’t like each other at the start of the book.

The second one was for this month.
I got it and read it within two days.
It’s cool; steampunk with vampires and werewolves and the like.
It’s part of a series; the first book.
I liked it enough but I wanted it to have more substance.
I’m not sure if I’ll read the rest of the series.
I may just ask someone to tell me what happens!

So, not a very eventful two weeks in books,
but, as always, an eventful two weeks in life.

What is everyone else reading?
And hope Memorial Day Weekend was a blast for everyone.

Until next time,
KE and SS

1 thought on “Reading Round Up 2013, Weeks 20 and 21.

  1. Sorry, but I was late to reading this post. End of the school year festivities, a few blog posts, nice weather…..I could keep coming up with excuses! I loved your recap of your baseball game experience. There is really something magical about going to a baseball game at night!

    Everyone is finished with school! So exciting! I can’t wait to see what summer brings. Hope you have a good week!

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