Meet: Stephan Pastis!

Ok, so I know I met him a while ago,
but it’s a great story.
So here we go:

It was Sunday, April 21, 2013.
Around 2 in the afternoon.
I had a BBQ to attend at 5,
but thought, “No sweat!”

I only live 40 minutes from San Jose.
And it’s a SUNDAY.
There won’t be that long of a wait to get my book signed.

Only, there WAS!

Turns out Stephan Pastis is also a VERY FAMOUS cartoonist.
Ever heard of Pearls Before Swine?
It’s a great comic running in newspapers all over the country.

Once I saw it I realized who he was.
Well, Hicklebee’s was PACKED!

Hicklebee's is full!
Hicklebee’s is full!
Packed times 2!
Packed times 2!

Let me say this:

He had an AWESOME slide show presentation.
Ok, I think it was actually power point and not PHYSICAL slides, but you know what I mean.

There were pictures of him as a kid,
things he did as an adult,
and funny little quotes and phrases.

I love when the humor of the author ALSO comes through in the presentation.

And also, did you know he used to be a lawyer?
(That slide was followed by one that said: “Please don’t judge”)
And that he gave up cartooning (he started as a kid) only to pick it up 10 years later?

The book he was there to talk about was this one:

Woo Hoo Timmy Failure!
Woo Hoo Timmy Failure!

Here’s the blurb from the back:

“My name is Failure.
Timmy Failure.
I am the founder, president, and CEO of the best detective agency in town,
probably in the nation.

The book you are holding is a historical record of my life as a detective.
It has been rigorously face-checked.
All drawings in here are by me.
I tried to get my business partner to do the illustrations,
but they were not that good.”

Then there’s a picture of his business partner,
pulling Timmy in a wagon.

It’s a HILARIOUS book!
I laughed through the whole thing.
I think kids would really love it because they’re going to figure out things before Timmy does.
And they’ll have to laugh at how he flubs things up.

Stephan said he started with a sketch of Timmy and just went from there.
“I remember reading detectives as a kid,” he said,
“and I wanted it to be a detective who didn’t know ANYTHING.”

Mission hilariously accomplished!

He said there were ten different publishers who wanted the book!
What a great problem to have!

And why is Total a polar bear?
Because “Timmy doesn’t have a Dad, so I wanted him to have a big protective best friend.”

He read the first couple of chapters and the whole place was laughing.

He even answered the “where do you get ideas” question hilariously.
“Here’s how I do it,” he said, all serious,
then some pictures came up.

He was in headphones,
then some fun music played.
Followed by some incense burning,
drinking some coffee,
Drawing on the walls,
And dancing.
A whole lot of dancing.

If only it were that simple!
(Though, I admit, that sounds kind of complicated and potentially dangerous!)

When I got to meet Stephan, he was really nice.
I handed him the thank you note
(I always give them thank you notes)
and he asked me what I wanted him to draw in my book.

Draw in my book?
“Um, how about my sock monkey?”

Singe Singe was on hand,
of course,
to get his picture taken.

He said he’d never drawn a sock monkey before.
“If I can do it, you can do it,” I said,
meant as encouragement, but now that I think about it,
it probably wasn’t that encouraging.

Nevertheless, he did it!

Drawing Singe Singe
Drawing Singe Singe
Singe Singe is lookin' good!
Singe Singe is lookin’ good!
And Singe Singe gets a hug!
And Singe Singe gets a hug!


I can’t wait to read more about Timmy Failure.
You should check it out if you haven’t read it yet!

Oh yes, I was late to the BBQ, but I brought ice cream,
so no one was too upset 🙂

Until next time,

KE and SS

7 thoughts on “Meet: Stephan Pastis!

  1. I think you said just the right words of encouragement! Bet he went home and drew more sock monkeys! The voice of the book sounds great; I look forward to reading it too, even if I am a die-hard fan of Nate the Great!

    1. Oh I love Nate the Great too, Julie!
      You will laugh so hard reading about Timmy!
      I wonder if he did draw more sock monkeys…I’ll have to look into that!

      You surely don’t need any practice in that department!
      I LOVE the one that you did for my birthday with my name. It was SO AWESOME! Thank you again!

  2. When I first read your post, my first thought was “who is Stephan Pastis?” Then you mentioned Pearls Before Swine and I’m like OMG! I read that comic strip all the time. And now I’m ashamed to admit that I never pay attention to the comic credits. I can’t wait to get my hands on Timmy Failure. Glad you made it to your BBQ. I didn’t realize you’re near San Jose. I’m up in San Francisco. Hellooo neighbor!

    1. Hello neighbor!
      Yeah, for some reason I think SF is so far away,
      but San Jose’s not so bad!

      I’m glad you know who he is now 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by and reading 🙂

    1. That’s awesome, Eric!
      I thought it was downright HILARIOUS!
      There’s going to me more coming out too!
      Tell her to keep her eyes out for them!

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