Some pirate jokes from Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Talk like a Pirate Day be September 19th,
and I was online when I saw
NaNoWriMo tweet out a request for pirate jokes!

I jumped right on that ship,
and even when I tried to walk the plank and move on to doing something else,
I kept thinking of more!

It was super fun!

I now present the jokes here for ye.
See if you swashbucklers can get them 🙂

Joke 1: What kind of socks does a pirate wear?

Joke 2: What is a pirate’s favorite class in school?

Joke 3: How does a pirate pay for her purchases?

Joke 4: What is a pirate’s favorite doomsday movie?

Joke 5: What’s a pirate’s favorite fast food restaurant?

Joke 6: What’s a pirate’s favorite place to relax at home?

Joke 7: What’s a pirate’s favorite card game?


ok do you know them?
Answers coming up next!




  1. Arrrrrgyle
  2. Arrrrt or arrrrithmetic
  3. By credit carrrrrd or Mastercarrrrrd
  4. Arrrrmageddeon
  5. Arrrrby’s
  6. In his arrrrmchair
  7. Warrrr or Hearrrrrts

There ye be!
Do you have any pirate jokes?
I’d love to hear them 🙂


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