Project: The year of podcasts!

Hey everyone!
I just finished reading
The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau,
and in it, he talks about finding your quest.

I feel like my quest is to be super creative
and make stuff all the time
and make sure people have more fun.

So, naturally, lots of little projects can fall under that big umbrella.

But I did come up with a fun idea:
A year of listening to podcasts while commuting!

This idea came about because, since the beginning of August,
my stereo has not worked.
My car had to be jumped to get going again (weird battery that hasn’t had another problem since!) and you have to enter a code to get the stereo up and running again.

Well, I didn’t have the code.
My mom didn’t have it (she kept track of the car stuff, since I was still living at home when I first got the car, and she helped me get it!)
And turns out she couldn’t get it from the dealership I bought it at.

“Just go to Honda there and they should be able to do it,” she said.
But then I got this brilliant idea.

What if I didn’t listen to the radio all year?
What if I listened to podcasts instead?

Effect: I won’t know as many pop songs.
Will that be a bad thing? It’s too soon to tell.
I do know that i feel more calm listening to podcasts while I’m driving,
and I drive a lot
(at least 10-12 hours a week)

So I’m doin’ it.
I start working tomorrow for a few days,
but officially start work October 3rd.

The podcasts I have so far are:

The Moth:
Heard a lot of good things about this one. People telling stories. My cup of tea.
Sean Wes podcast:
I’ve been listening to this one quite a lot. It’s hard to explain, but it always leaves me wanting to listen to more. He talks about challenges that creative people have.
Brain Burps about books:
Kidlit. A necessity.
Let’s get Busy podcast:
This American Life:
Because I love it and I’ve listened before.
Elise gets Crafty:
Just discovered this great crafty person and I feel like she’s my crafting/making money off your art role model. So I’m gonna listen to her podcast!

Do you have any you think I’d like?
At this point, I’ll try anything!

I’ll do a monthly update on what I’ve listened to to keep everyone informed.
This challenge will run from now through June, the entire working school year.



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