I love Math.
I do.
I made up my own math problems in Calculus class.
I LOVED doing proofs!
And I always challenge myself to do math in my head or by hand when I can.
I wanted to be a Math teacher for a while,
and still think I’d have a fun time doing it.
I really LOVE numbers and how everything adds up.
A lot of people don’t know what to do with that information,
since they think that I’m either creative and artsy
or scientific and mathematical.
Well, that’s not always the case, is it?
I think both of my parents are mathematical creative types.
My Dad is a carpenter (Math) that can make pretty much anything he sees (creative),
while my Mom is retired teacher (Math and creative!) that wrote awesome plays for her class each year (creative).
Well, here’s a story for all you Math lovers out there…
and even the people that DON’T love math?
You’ll still like this book I bet 🙂

Title: The Boy who Loved Math
Published by: Roaring Brook Press, 2013
Written by: Deborah Heligman
Illustrated by: LeUyen Pham
Word Count: 1619
Pages: 44
In one word: Math-tastic!
In one sentence: Watch as Paul Erdos grows up, falls in love with numbers, and spreads that love of math and numbers throughout the world!
Favorite pages:

It covers all of Paul’s story without feeling long.
When numbers are used in the writing, they are put in as the actual number, and they’re slightly bigger and a different color. I like that design element!
There are lots of little fun bits about Paul from every stage of his life…interesting things that make you think, “Wow, he really did that?”
It makes math something that is SO COOL! The enthusiasm Paul has for it and the enthusiasm with which the story’s presented is contagious!
The illustrations are bright and playful. You can’t help but fall in love with Paul!
I really like the theme of, “Be what you are and do what you love” that runs throughout.
Awesome author note AND illustrator note at the back of the book. It’s so fun to hear all the hard work they put into the book!
SO much about Math!
There are people that will cook for you and do your laundry but you have to be a mathematician for that to happen? 🙂
If you write a nonfiction biography, make sure you put in fun bits for us to relate to along the way.
What did you read today?
Happy Friday!