Reading and Writing Wednesday: Finally joined 12 by 12!

Writing and reading are all scrambled up this week, so let’s not even try to tear them apart and just dive in, shall we?

Yes, this image means I FINALLY JOINED the 12 by 12 in 2012!

I mean, honestly, who was I kidding?
This is right up my alley.
I already submitted my manuscript this month for my critique group, but I’m being strict on myself.
It’s something I’ve had around for a while, so a new one must be written.
I plan on revisiting my PiBoIdMo idea book this weekend to spur the story.

In other writing news, I’m writing some postcards to use as the front of cards to send to friends.
I found some nice scrapbook paper that has stamps on it that look like they are from the circus, so I’m going to write little bits of poetry from circus performers.

Who knows where that will take me?

I finished reading the second book in the Mysterious Benedict Society, and am almost done with number three.

Almost done!!

I really love these books, and I’m going to have a hard time letting them go.
See more on that later in this post.

I picked up another AWESOME book for half price at a surprising MLK day Goodwill sale:

Can't wait to dig in!

I’ve heard so many good things about this book…can’t wait to read it! Holding it currently as a reward to myself if I get all my homework done and a good jump on my research project….

speaking of, I’ve been having a BLAST reading this book:

For school, we have to do a third year project, basically 20 minutes on something that we want to go further into.
For me, it’s always stories.
I love the idea of being a storyteller who can pass stories down through books but also orally.
This book is really inspirational!

Yes, writing or making up a story to change a behavior may not always work for a picture book, but it’s a great parenting tool. This has made me tell myself stories in the car, and just write down first drafts as if I’m just telling someone the story. That way I don’t miss anything, and can have the basic form of the story down and decide how to tackle it from there.

Now, back to the discussion about getting rid of my MBS books.
I stumbled upon this post about borrowing and keeping books.

This has been hard for me too, especially because I move around SOO MUCH and I’m lazy.
It’s not that I don’t love books.
It’s just that I don’t love PACKING books.

So I’ve come up with a few rules that I didn’t know were rules until just a second ago when I realized I follow them almost to a tee.

On keeping/not keeping books:

  1. If it’s a signed book, I keep it. I mean, c’mon! Yes, all the books are signed to me, and only two were gifts. I really like to be there to meet the author…the story and experience are almost better than the signed book. ALMOST.
  2. If it’s an amazing bargain that I don’t think I would EVER be able to find again AND I love the book, I’ll keep it. This rarely happens, but when it does, it’s great. I remember getting HA Rey’s Star book for 69 cents! I saw it and just gasped and grabbed it…the people around me probably thought I was a bit crazy, but it came in handy later. Another one? The Brother’s Lionheart (for 1.99). I cheered and showed the book to my friend that I was shopping with, who, to her credit, was excited even though she had no idea what it was.
  3. If it’s a book that is easy to buy anywhere, at any used bookstore, then, after I read it, I’m going to get rid of it.
    Let’s face it; I move too much. And there are plenty of great bookstores near me.
  4. If it’s a brand new book that I JUST HAVE TO BUY and probably won’t keep, donate it to the library for their collection of bring it back to a used bookstore to get some credit.
  5. If it’s a book that is hard to find and I know I really want, I keep it, even if I’m not using it now. Case in point: A few old books on gardening, and small house building, or the ones I have of wood plans for household items. When I get my shop, those books are going to come in handy!
On buying books:
  1. Support local! This means local bookstores, local libraries (they always have those carts outside with books on them!) and local thrift stores. I would be lying if I didn’t say I always try to go used first, but I also spent some of my book budget on brand new books.
On giving away books:
  1. I always keep a look out for someone in my life who would like the book. Sure, I like getting trade credit for the book, especially when I know I need to stock up on books to get signed at the SCBWI conference, but I also believe in the power of the right book in the hands of the right person. Sometimes a book is just perfect and needs to go to that person. Remember the HA Rey book? I gave that 69 cent copy away to the library at my school, since it helped one of my classmates immensely when she was teaching astronomy to 6th graders. I also had another copy for myself, so maybe that’s not the best example 🙂
I guess those are all my rules.
Oh, and I don’t feel bad getting rid of books that people gave me as gifts if I don’t really like them.
So I’m in the process of clearing out the benches of books.
Which is why I’m sad to see the MBS books go.
And why I’m torn about keeping a copy of Despereaux.
Clearly I just need to meet these authors.
Summer conference?
That would be awesome!!
Until then, I’ve got some work to do!
As much as I love school, can’t wait to really dive into writing when it’s done!

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