Write Now: Behind the scenes of #MMPoetry

Hey everyone.

I’ve decided I wanted to try and blog more,
with more of a focus.

I know what you’re thinking:
Kathy Ellen?

Granted, focusing is hard
when there are so many great things to like.
That being said,
I’m gonna try 🙂

I thought it would be fun to share about my writing life.

Whenever anyone sees me, they ask about my books.
“How’s it going?” they ask.
“Oh, you know, submitting and revising.”

Which, let’s be honest, to a non-writer,
really means nothing.

So I thought of a topic called Write Now,
sort of like a diary of what’s going on in my writing life.

So, WRITE NOW what’s happening?
It’s March Madness!

So that means…
no, not basketball,

Graphic from the authlete application, from thinkkidthink.com
Graphic from the authlete application, from thinkkidthink

Ed Decaria has created this AWESOME tournament.

  • a bracket,
  • epic matchups,
  • awesome authlete bios,
  • lots of voting!
  • a classroom vote this year too!

I’ve been a part of this fun tradition since it started
(this is the 3rd year)
and I’m always excited.

Basically you get your seed, 1-16,
and then you get a word.
Seed #1 gets the easiest word.
Seed #16, the hardest.

You have to work that word into a poem for children.
But you get very little time to do it!

Now if you’re thinking,
“Poetry in a rush? Won’t it all be mush?”
You’re wrong, my friend.

The authletes amaze me every year with their
and technically sound poems.

Here’s my process for my first poem:

First, on Monday night:

Got my word.

Looked up definition:
a small piece or brief extract : snippets of information about the war.

Wrote down what came to mind first: a haircut.
Yes! That’s something a kid could relate to!

But I had to put a twist on it…
and thought of one quickly!
Jotted down a rough draft,
playing with syllables, meter, rhythm, and rhyme.

Handwritten sloppy notes: first page
Handwritten sloppy notes: first page
Handwritten sloppy notes, second page. Syllable count and lots of cross outs!
Handwritten sloppy notes, second page. Syllable count and lots of cross outs!


Handwritten notes, page 3. Circling words that I wanted to stay.
Handwritten notes, page 3. Circling words that I wanted to stay.
Handwritten notes, the end. I always knew what I wanted it to be :)
Handwritten notes, the end. I always knew what I wanted it to be 🙂


Revisited rough draft.
Read it aloud…A LOT!
Changed a few things.
Drafted an email to Ed with my final revision.
Changed it one more time.
Sent it off.


Saw it live at thinkkidthink.com
And I’m gonna tease you;
Sorry, yes, you have to go to the link to see it!

This competition is always a challenge for me.
Rhyming is not really my thing.
I love slowing down and having to look at the meter and rhythm and all that fun jazz.

Due to a unforeseen circumstances,
my competitor did not enter a poem,
so I’m moving onto Round 2 automatically.

Excited to get another word and try writing another poem!
Check out all the fun poems and great stories contained within them!

Until next time,

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