Around here 2

This week, Around here we’re: Celebrating. Danny’s done school until the end of January. I’m really proud of him for doing such a good job even though this is his first time in college, and he’s been out of school since high school. He got all his work done and expects to get great grades.…

Around here 1.

First, thanks everyone who reads this blog for being flexible. If you’ve been here a while, you know I’m all about trying new things. If you’re new here, well, I just told you 🙂 I’m also not a fan of continuing to do things that I don’t like doing. Of course I still have to…

December Kidlit Tea Party

Hi everyone! Kidlit Tea Party time! Not sure what it is? Click here to find out. Last month, my goal was: to win NaNoWriMo (that’s 50K words this month!) to win PiBoIdMo (that’s 30 picture book ideas) to do my revisions (I’m going to start revising my picture book under contract mid month) And how did I…
